Sunday, December 30, 2007

!429 H

Dengan turunnya ayat "Iqra bismirabikalazi ... " maka berlakulah perubahan yang Islamik ke atas manusia di alam ini. Perubahan ini makin ketara dengan peristiwa hijrah Ar Rasul (s.a.w) bersama sahabat ke Madina. Peristiwa hijrah ini kemudiannya diambil sebagai tarikh bagi takwim Islam.

Sayangnya selepas kejatuhan Othmaniah dengan kejayaan barat semasa perang dunia pertama, Tahun hijrah mula di pinggirkan oleh ummah. Tahun masihi dikedepankan. Hal ini berterusan sehingga ke hari ini. Mungkin ada kawasan atau negara yang masih menggunakan tahun hijrah sebagai tarikh utama dalam urusan mereka tapi perkara ini tidak menjadi kebanggaan ummah pada hari ini.

Walaubagaimanapun tahun hijrah tidak boleh diabaikan pada semua tempat. Mengapa? Ini adalah disebabkan beberapa ibadah fardhu berkait rapat dengan tahun hijrah. Puasa dan Haj, begitu juga dua hari raya, puasa sunat disamping beberapa syiar yang tidak dapat dipisahkah seperti Awal Muharram, Nuzul Quran dan Maulidur Rasul.

Walaupun begitu tidak ramai yang berminat menggunakan tarikh hijrah dalam kehidupan dan muamalat seharian. Dai atau pendakwah pun tidak bersungguh untuk menggunakan tarikh hijrah. Kalau dicadangpun semua akan dia membisu. Kalau ada tindakbalas pun dengan alasan agak sukar untuk mengikutinya. Apakah kesukarannya menggunakan tarikh hijrah sebagai tarikh utama kita dalam muamalat. Kalau bukan kita siapa akan memulakannya.

MAGHE lah kita mula menggunakan 1429H sebagai tahun dan tarikh rujukan utama kita. Kita biasakan diri kita kemudian biasakan dengan keluarga kita dan seterusnya dengan masyarakat kita agar kita tidak lalai dengan tuntutan Islam yang berkaitan dengan tarikh ini.

Saturday, December 29, 2007


I have been attending a lot of meeting. There many types of meeting. Meeting to discuss issues which never come to an end and always dragging. This types of meeting is unproductive. Meeting to discuss what to do i.e. a planning meeting. This meeting could be misleading. Members of the meeting tend to discuss any point raised during the discussion which will be prolong for hours and hours. This lead to no action but just reaction. Meeting for decision making which sometimes become an argument sessions which is also unproductive but life keep going. There are other types of meeting which will fall into the above mentioned.

What make meeting worst is the chairman of the meeting don't really know what to achieve at the end of the meeting. The chairman, sometimes, involves in a heated argument. Well it is hard to be a leader. It challege your ego, your ideas and you perceptions. Another thing that make it worst is member of the meeting don't prepare for the session. I wonder how to make meeting effective and achieve it purpose.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Career and daawah

Career is a nice way of saying a work that we do to earn a living. We put our mind and spend our energy in become a profesional person in our career so that we can gain more and better. A muslim will be guide by their concious of Islamic undertanding in their dealing or interaction giving service or working within their career context. what about daawah? As a true muslim, daawah is part and parcel of the life. Muslim can escape the repsonsibility of daawah. How can we integrate daawah and career? How can we do daawah through our career?

Daawah suppose and should be our career as muslim especially in today's world. Why? People will frequently asked this question. There are lot of reasons. Reasons support by strong arguments which can be extract from the teaching of Qur'an and As Sunnah. Reasons are the game of the mind. The mind can be convinced by arguments but can reasons move a man to do the act of daawah? This is puzzling myself.

I never inform or even talk about daawah when interacting with people. Having said that does not mean that i never discuss about Islam to others. It make me feel concious when i think about daawah. My heart always asking how to talk about Islam? How to talk about daawah? How to call people to get involve with daawah?

At current age, ArRasul (s.a.w) already all out with daawah. He start to sleep less. He get more energetic and become more active in life. Compare to us, we are getting less healthy, easily get tired, tight up with fixed schedule and thinking more about getting establish in a career and getting more money. We become more busy and and having less time. I though as I get older I will get more time to do daawah and other things as needed but it is a contradictory thing happens.